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Hispanic Heritage Month


Celebrate Hispanic & Latino Heritage Month from September 15 - October 15. 

This annual celebration in the U.S. honors the history, culture and contributions of Americans whose ancestry can be traced to 20 countries and one territory, including Mexico Central and South America, The Caribbean and Spain.

A few facts:

  • Have you ever wondered why this celebration takes place in the middle of 2 months?
    September 15th was chosen as the kickoff date since it coincides with the Independence Day celebrations of five countries i.e. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, followed by Mexico on September 16, Chile on the 18th and Belize on the 21st.
  • According to the latest U.S. Census data, the Hispanic or Latinx population hit 62.1 million--making this community the largest minority group in the country.

8 Ways to Celebrate Hispanic & Latino Heritage Month  Great ideas to celebrate with kids.  Source:  Boys and Girls Club of America

24 Activities to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month (2023)    Source: Laurel, Amanda Martinez. 8/29/2023. Goodgoodgood

Beyond Cesar Chavez  15 Latino Activists You Should Know and Read About  Read up on these Latino civil rights leaders.  "Chances are you didn't learn about them in history class."  Source:  Wong, Brittany. HuffPost

Hispanic Heritage Month     New York Celebration Event: Sep 14, 2024, 11:00 AM – 11:00 PM.  Langston Hughes Library, 100-01 Northern Blvd, Corona, NY 11368, USA  Source: Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month -- National Archives      Source:  National Archives

Hispanic Heritage Month-- NEA   NEA provides lesson plans, activities and background information.  Source:  NEA

National Hispanic Heritage Month   Lots of resources from various national sources including the Library of Congress, National Archives, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institute.

National Museum of the American Latino   National Heritage Month Resources, Virtual Exhibitions, Educational Resources, Bilingual Resources,  Stories of Latino Achievement and more.  

Origins of Hispanic Heritage Month   Source:

"What Being Hispanic or Latinx in America Means"   Source:  TedxTalks


Photo Credit:  Diversity & Inclusion Speakers Agency,  Photo Credit:  2021 Poster.  NEA ;   Photo Credit:  2022 Poster.  National Council of Hispanic Employment Program Managers 


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264 Rider Road
Clayville, NY 13322

Fax: (315) 624-1266 Attn: Tricia Hoyer
